Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Back in the groove

Okay... we have Monday under out belt... now FULL STEAM AHEAD on a great week. Much warmer weather ahead... today is looking perfect. Oh, and we're "running out of month!' March is going out like a lamb, April, coming in like a lamb. Someone tell me what that means... please!

Check out the changes out west, and how it may eventually affect us here in the Mid-South.

Plenty of drama from the country music world, this is a great place for the scoop.

A famous New York City landmark is getting a "make over."

This country is getting it's "First" Taco Bell...

How "Billionaires" think, and what they plan to do with their money. Think long term.

An interesting travel log... not my cup of tea, but still interesting.

In Daybreak Trivia: Shots rang out on this day seriously wounding President Ronald Reagan. What year was it?, and what legislation came from the shooting? Also, On this day in 1867 the US purchased Alaska from Russian, the price, about 7.2 million dollars... how much was that "per acre?"

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