Monday, November 30, 2009


One big holiday behind us, now its time to start decorating. Clearing and cooler today. Much colder by the end of the week. The NFL wrap up, the "Tiger" wrap up, Tunica, hurricane season, Santa getting help this year.

Last day of the month, last day for Hurricane Season. November was about to go into the record books as one of the "driest" EVER. Until the rain fell. About an inch at the airport.

Did your favorite team win over the weekend? "" has complete information about your game, including video highlights. Colts won, stay perfect. Will the Saints "also" stay perfect tonight against Brady and the Patriots?

Did you see Corie's "Save Monday" links? Here, if you could not write them down.

Maybe the biggest news from the "sporting world" came from Tiger in Central Florida.

The "Blind Side" almost took down "New Moon" over the weekend, it's got legs! It's rare, but tickets sales were "BETTER" this week than in its opening weekend. REPORT:
The 18% rise in receipts to a studio-estimated $40.1 million for "The Blind Side" was driven by sensational word of mouth that seems to be expanding its audience beyond adult women who came out for its opening to include more families. The movie, which cost Alcon $35 million to produce, has collected $100.3 million and will undoubtedly top $200 million by the end of the year.

I find it hard to believe that Tunica doesn't even make it into the "Top 10" for this list.

Santa is getting a little help this year...

In Daybreak Trivia: hints for you on Andrew Johnson, and Dick Clark, with his show.

Friday, November 27, 2009

The "Day After"

Okay, you slept in late. Don't blame you. A little "Turkey overload?"

Well, we're still with you here on Daybreak, we feel your pain. But a "turkey sandwich" sure sounds good for lunch, right? A little left over Pumpkin Pie?

A CHILLY start to the day for you "Early Risers." Out to get in on all those shopping deals.

Shuttle is due to land this morning if the weather cooperates. About 8:45am ish Memphis Time.

And... BTW, there are still great "Sighting" opportunities with the ISS for tonight, (in case you missed it last night) Check previous posts for details and times and where to look.

Have a great weekend. Be safe. Play nice. Stay warm.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Turkey Day

Happy Thanksgiving everyone... it's going to be windy and colder this afternoon. Northwest winds will bring down some of the coldest air of the season so far, for tonight and tomorrow night. If you are planning to do some "early morning" Black Friday shopping, you'll want to bundle up.

I'll bet it "smells great" in the kitchen this morning! MMMMmmmmm..... Turkey! Last minute help on cooking that bird: 800 288 8372

Did you see how much cash, our "Cash Grab" winner was able to pull out of the vault last night on News Channel 3 at Ten? Check it out here.

You will to check the schedule a bit more carefully for what's on "3" today, this morning it's the parade and later, a traditional NFL football game. Green Bay is at Detroit starting at 12:30, Oakland is at Dallas at 4:15 and the Giants are at Denver at 8:20. The DALLAS game is the one to watch, on CBS and News Channel 3.

The Shuttle Atlantis is due home tomorrow morning, YOU have the chance to see the Atlantis and ISS flying over the Mid-South at 5:40 this afternoon, all the information you need on that is on yesterdays "Seen on Daybreak."

If you haven't gone to see "The Blind Side" movie, I suggest you check it out.

Also, a new film out this weekend, with a couple of 'high-powered' names.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Are you ready?

Skies have cleared, temperatures have dropped. Breezy and cool for Thanksgiving day. Daybreak Trivia. ISS/Shuttle viewing, new for the Parade this year. Turkey Talk (helpline)

CBS news with Kati Couric has a "one on one" interview with former Arkansas governor and former presidential candidate Mike Huckabee. But, you can only see it right here.

Need help cooking that Turkey? 800 288 8372

The AAA help line Melissa Moon talked about this morning:
"Tow to Go" 800 AAA HELP

I don't think this is going to happen anytime soon at the "U of M."
But who will be out next head coach is a topic of discussion rightnow. ESPN says it's almost a done deal.

Will you be watching the parade tomorrow morning? a few new faces to expect.

Fan of "Saab" automobiles? You are now a collector.

One Million Dollars, just waiting to be claimed.

I think "THIS" is going to be the next big thing in the world of technological advances. Amazing things they can do.

Shuttle Atlantis "un-docked" from the Int'l Space Station early this morning, and will slowly be moving away. It's due to land at KSC Friday morning, 8:45 am - ish. Weather permitting.

Tomorrow evening, what a great opportunity to grab the kids, head out side, and try and spot the ISS and Shuttle Atlantis as they fly overhead here in Memphis. ISS followed by the shuttle about a minute later. Clear skies, and perfect timing... starts at 5:40pm, be looking to the Northwest.

Thu Nov 26/05:40 PM
11 above NW 13 above ESE
Fri Nov 27/06:03 PM
10 above WNW 12 above SSE
Sun Nov 29/05:13 PM
10 above WNW 12 above SSE

Thu Nov 26/05:41 PM
11 above NW 13 above ESE
Fri Nov 27/06:01 PM
10 above WNW 12 above SSE

In Daybreak Trivia: we needed a "scientific name" for the 'wishbone' AND which president moved "Thanksgiving" 'up a week' in 1939.

Tonight's the night, we've been talking about it for weeks, you've been calling in to win $300 and a chance to go into the "Cash Vault." On News Channel 3 at Ten, tonight, you'll get to see "how much" money one lucky winner is able to carry. Be watching, tonight on News Channel 3 at ten!

The Tigers won last night... while in Football, the focus narrows to two. The obvious choice?

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Rain returns

Cloudy and mild today, with rain returning late. "A-380" trans-atlantic, behind the "Blind Side," famous homes and 46 years ago.

It's a cold front moving through later today that will increase our rain chances. Turning crisp and cool for the rest of the week.

Did you see the "Blind Side" over the weekend? You know it was shot in Atlanta, right?

The Airbus "A-380" is up and running. Started service this past weekend, NY to Paris. So big, it has 22 flight attendants.

The Titans have made it four in a row, but it wasn't easy last night.

Famous homes of famous people, yes, Elvis is in there.

In Daybreak Trivia, the Eagle is our nations symbol, someone had other ideas though, and from an "on this date in history," the aftermath, 2 days later.

Okay all you "Star Gazers" Clear skies, cool weather, a holiday and "fly overs" that will be directly overhead. If you've ever wanted to see the Int'l Space Station and/or the Space shuttle, now is your time. Check out these viewing opportunities. Starting about 5:40 on Thanksgiving day, a perfect chance to get up from the table and stretch your legs and see who can find it first. It will start in the Northwest, fly almost directly overhead toward the East. It will look like a bright fast moving star. The shuttle will be separate from the Space Station and it is a rare opportunity to see them both in the sky during the same pass.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Thanksgiving week

Holidays are upon us, a cooler week ahead for "Thanksgiving." NFL and NASCAR, Daybreak Trivia, baby daddy in orbit. Salavation Army "Angel Tree" program. Our "Cash Grab" program is quickly winding up... your chance for $300, 3 times today.

Rain possible tomorrow, then cooler by Thanksgiving day, check the "7-day."

This morning on Daybreak, "Save Money Monday" helps you with this weeks big feast.

The "Salvation Army Angel Tree" program is looking for your help.

Jimmy Johnson did what no other driver before him could do. Wild weekend in football.Daybreak Trivia included "Turkey," of course, and last nights AMA's with a mini battle between Taylor and Michael. They seem to have split the awards appropriately.

Winners include: Dolphins, Colts, Cowboys, Vikings.

Friday, November 20, 2009


We've made it! The weekend is here and even Mother Nature is in a good mood. Josh Pastner tonight at 5, "let go my Eggo," "McHappy Day!" ISS in sight, in the "Dog House," bargain stadiums and flying cars.

If you are going shopping this weekend, it may be wise to learn about the "Return Policy" on the stores you visit.

Here's your "Shuttle Atlantis/ISS" update for the day.
You stargazers may wish to mark your calendar for next week, there are 3 great "viewing opportunities" for the ISS and Shuttle.
(Next Thursday, Friday and Sunday. Evening, not early morning)

Having "Eggo Waffles" for breakfast, consider yourself lucky. They're scarce.

The "Ronald McDonald House" will benefit today if you visit McDonalds. $1 for every breakfast sandwich sold, it's called "McHappy Day!"

One of my earliest known memories of reporting was at this spot. A young upstart named Martina Navritilova was battling Chris Evert in the Virginia Silms tennis tournament. This had to be around 1980-ish.

Here are some of the worlds "wildest" accommodations! Brings new meaning to being in "the Dog House."

Don't know if you can live in it, but the price is right, just a shade under $600K, that's a huge discount from the "building price." (of 55 MILLION, Detroit is suffering)

Some "light" reading you will enjoy.

In DAYBREAK TRIVIA this morning: "Venus Retro-grade" and "Cap'n Crunch!"

From Corie's "Free Friday.." a helpful link.


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Skies are clearing...

Finally, clearing skies, warmer weather ahead. Outcome of NBA Grizzly game. Sexiest man alive? A spectacular failure in the auto world, stress on the jobsite and a "dream" of an ocean liner. Space walking...

Is your job stressful? This morning on Daybreak are you overworked, underpaid?

The first of three space walks will begin about 8:20 this morning, Memphis time, mostly house keeping and maintenance chores for the crew of the shuttle Atlantis and the ISS.

If you follow things like this, then you'll want to know who is the "Sexiest Man Alive" for 2009.

In DAYBREAK TRIVIA: An older car in the news, not always a good thing.

Our "Grizzlies" picked up a "W" last night.

Look what "pulled into port" in Port Canaveral, Florida, yes, it was a Dream.

In Massachusetts, it wasn't a dream. This guy really did drop 20 MILLION for a new library for the town.

Don't know about you, but this concerns me.

Kate talks candidly about A-Rod.

Apparently, this is tops on the list, on most letters to Santa this year.

Shopping this year for "Black Friday" will take time and preparation.

This MIGHT help, one big retailer is offering up a "Lay - Away" plan... "Got kids?" I'm sure you'll be visiting them.

A little something to consider if you are in the "giving mood."


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Slow clearing

Skies may slowly clear late today, but temps won't start to warm up until tomorrow. Space Shuttle Trivia, Tigers almost win, FACEBOOK warning, earthquakes.

I know, I know, I talk too much about the Space Shuttle Program, but why is "Atlantis" visiting the ISS on this trip, take a look at what it is bringing up. They will "dock" just before 11am Memphis time, this morning.

DAYBREAK TRIVIA was "Shuttle" related, just not ours. Fascinating history on this. If you are a Shuttle fan, notice this site, with a propaganda edge.

It was a late game, and a last second shot that almost brought the Memphis Tigers a huge upset over number one ranked Kansas.

What's the "craziest" thing you've ever seen at an airport?

Felt the "earth move" lately? Check here to see if there's been an earthquake.

A stroll down memory lane.... and you will like this.

The kids have found a new place to play... apparently this place has quite a history that I'm not aware of.

For those of you on "Facebook," you may want to be watching tonight at 10, a special report, see a preview, below.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Breezy, Cooler

The rain is just about "out of here" but now, the "cooler air" is about to return. Atlantis is safely in space, Daybreak Trivia, "Word of the year!," a brave student in Arkansas, and final chance at fuzzy kittens.

The "Job Fair" today is from at the "Holiday Inn Select" near the airport from 11am to 2pm. Bring your resume, be dressed for an interview

The Shuttle Atlantis launched from the Kennedy Space Center Monday afternoon... just five more missions after this one, and the shuttle program is to be retired. How much do you know about the "Russian Shuttle" program. Here's a hint, it didn't go nearly as well as ours. It made only one, remote controlled flight.

One of the crew members of the Atlantis, may be aboard the ISS, when his wife gives birth!

In Daybreak Trivia, this morning we talked about NAFTA and former president Nixon.

If you missed the story yesterday, about the baby, caught in the washing machine, the video is posted on our Daybreak Video page.

Tiger Woods new digs, thumbs up or down, some don't like it!

Sons, of three famous and accomplished athletes, are making names for themselves. Montana, Smith and Gretzky.

Here's a story about a youngster, taking a stand, for what he believes in.

Do you know what the "Word of the Year" is for 2009?
Hint, think "Facebook."

AND... we are down to "3 left" three adorable, cute and cuddly kittens that would make your child howl with delight.

I've used one of these, they are great. I bet they are a big draw for Christmas this year.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Rain returns

Been a while, but the rain is back upon us. Track it here, or on your iPhone or PDA. What a weekend for sports! COLTS! VIKINGS! TIGER! JIMMY! 2012! Scary landings.

To follow the changing weather today, search for the WREG APP on your iphone, or goto "3onyourcell" if you are reading this from a PDA. From your desktop PC, try here.

Peyton Manning and the Colts found a way to win last night, as I was "nodding" off before half time it appeared they were well on their way to their first loss. How wrong I was.

Jimmy Johnson is all but a lock to pick up his third straight NASCAR crown.

Tiger won the Masters. But this time his jacket was "gold" not "green," (cuz it was a win "down under.")

Our weather may not be the best, but it appears perfect for the launch of the Shuttle Atlantis today from the Kennedy Space Center. Lift off around 1:30 this afternoon, Memphis time.

An airplane bigger than the shuttle, is still slow in delivery.

The movie 2012 scored big at the box office over the weekend. Folks are really fascinated by this "end of the world" talk.

In Daybreak Trivia, we were testing your "State Capital" knowledge... let's see how good you are.

Ever flown into one of these airports? They are known as the worlds "Scariest Runways" On my 'bucket list' is to watch a landing at number 3.

Friday, November 13, 2009

it's the 13th..

weather is looking great, again, on this "Friday the 13th," it's settling down across the northeast. Where "not" to take your kids to lunch. Swift and Mayer, singing together? Message in a bottle, Daybreak Trivia...

Just in case you find this day a little out of the ordinary, here's what you can blame it on.

Two powerful and popular voices are joining forces. This should be interesting.

This dad took his kids to lunch, but it was "where" he went to lunch that has the nation talking, wise, or unwise?

It's been "off line" for 7 years, now, GM is bringing it back.

One company is growing during this economic downturn, things must be turning around!

You've heard of the "Perfect Storm?" how about the "Perfect Disaster?" It's in the theaters this weekend.

In Daybreak Trivia, we're talking "paraskevidekatriaphobia" but why, why now, why today?

And... also, (for those of you that come here for hints,) more TRIVIA help.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Weekend approaches

Fantastic weather continues, Taylor takes the "top 4" at the CMA's, animal stories, battle over "Cayman" and movie news.

Taylor Swift needed some help taking home all the trophies she won las night at the CMA's. For a complete list of the winners last night....(and yes, that's Kelly Pickler, she's gone red.)

Tough weather for the North east, it's a "Nor' Easter." This is the remnants of "IDA" but has strengthend, this will continue into the weekend.

Two down, and three to go. If you are interested, you need to speak up.

If you are looking to go into another direction with the family pet, be careful with this one. That's right, tea-cup, micro pigs.

Should a classic film be "re-made" with two of the leading actors of our generation? I think they shouldn't.

Yesterday was Veterans day. I saw plenty of parade coverage, salutes to fallen soldiers, recognizing those that are still with us. Here's a story I found yesterday that will help you learn more about what these brave soldiers went through, it's an incredible story and incredible journey.

What's in a name? Plenty if its "Cayman" it's Porsche vs. Crocs. Oh, it's on.

Dr. Seuss may very well be responsible for our DAYBREAK TRIVIA question of the morning, in which of his books did the word "NERD" show up?