Thursday, November 5, 2009

Slightly cooler

Another pleasant day ahead for the Mid-South, maybe a little cooler, by about 10 degrees today. We warm quickly as we work towards the weekend. You can check the 7-day.

New Storm in the Gulf, it's Ida. I'm not worried. Hurricane this morning, tropical storm in the gulf by middle of next week.

Major car companies are trimming back there product, what will stay? What will go?

Two of the most popular shows on the planet right now are "2 and 1/2 men" and "the Big Bang theory." The common denominator for those, it's head writer and producer, Chuck Lorre. I'm a big fan of those "Vanity Cards" that he flashes for less than a second at the end of those shows. If you don't have TIVO or a way to record them, you miss them. BUT, if you have a computer, and know where to look, it's a treasure chest of comedy. (Search Lorre Vanity Cards in your favorite search engine)

What a "shot in the arm" this would be to NASCAR. you "for it?" or " 'gainst it?"

Did the "Phillies" tie it up to force a game seven, or are the Yankees celebrating a win at home? Here's a recap. The games MVP is a world wide sensation.

Here is your "feel good" animal story of the day.

When you "got to go, you got to go" but in some places, you can "go in style."

When I go to Costa Rica, here's where I stay!

And a little inspirations for you golfers, or golf fans.

Here's a familiar face back on Memphis television, she's on this week's "Does it work!"

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