Are you ready for the weekend?!? I'm sure you are. Austen is watching the weather for you this morning, we've been telling you about the rain moving through the Mid-South this morning. It's moving pretty quickly, and today is still looking nice.
This was funny, it was on the Jay Leno show the other night.

I read this article in last Sunday's paper. Drew has a wonderful outlook on life. She has been out promoting her latest endeavour, from her "Flower Films" productions. Her movie is "Whip it" co-stars the girl from "Juno."
I know it has cooled down, but enough to start your Christmas Shopping? If you are interested, the Agricenter is the place to be! Starts tomorrow.

Pink Palace Crafts fair starts today. It will run through Sunday at Audobon park. This is their 37th year, thousands attend, and you can learn more by going to their website.

While in the neighborhood, time is running
out for the latest exhibit at the Dixon, stop by for:
Walt Whitman and American Art of the Civil War Era

And while we are on a roll with the "Arts" how about a little Theatre?

Guess where "Dunkin Donuts" is going to open in Mississippi?

"Behind the story" of Lucy, of "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds"
Good chance this weekend, this game will be highly rated. It's the showdown of Favre vs an entire town.
We told you yesterday about the latest "Space tourist?" Blasted off in a Soyuz capsule yesterday, they'll dock with the ISS overnight. Check out his story, this is cool. He'll be performing in space on October 9th.
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