With the weather this great, it's tough to concentrate on anything but the weekend.
Have you seen this child? The TBI has issued an AMBER alert for him. They found the mother in New York this morning, but not the baby.
There is also a separate "Endangered Child Alert" you may wish to see.

Job seekers, take a look, start planning, there may be something here for you.
iPhone users, remember the WREG APP is FREE! (see "3 on your cell" for your PDA) CNN is charging. So is it a phone or a GPS? or both!

My children are going to be crushed when they learn of this closing. It's their favorite "Shoe Buying" place.
Now "that's what I'm talking about. "You gonna sue? Go BIG!

Upon Arrival: First he wins an Emmy, now brings home a baby.
Congrats to Jon and his wife.
In Passing: Ever heard of "Bob Stupak?" If you'd been to Vegas, chances are good you had.
What company "best symbolizes" America. "Vanity Fair" and "60-minutes" did the poll. The answer, may surprise you.

A little something to "plan for" this weekend, "Greekfest 2009" the 48th Annual Greekfest sponsored by "St. George Greek Orthodox Church" this Saturday 11-7pm. 6984 Highway 70 in Bartlett. (901) 388 5910

A Soyuzrocket blasted off early this morning (Memphis time) on the way to the Int'l Space Station, on board, the Expedition Crew 21. And... a paying passenger. They will dock with the ISS early Friday morning. You'll remember the Space Shuttle Atlantis is being readied for launch at KSC November 12th.
Are YOU looking to get away? Trying to find a place to chill? If you don't have the $$ to go into space, here are a few ideas.

In Daybreak Trivia, that "paying passenger" launched to the ISS for a 12 day stay, cost how much? AND, this submarine.
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