We've made it. Time is running out for you to get down to Tom Lee Pork and enjoy the fun and festivities that the Memphis in May World Championship BBQ Festival offer. Let's shorten that to: "MIMWCBBQF" well, that's not very short is it?!?

Meeting and greeting and mixing business with pleasure is part of the festival.
Another celebrity break up. Not sure this one comes as a big surprise.
Shuttle Atlantis due to launch at 1:20 this afternoon, weather permitting. Final mission of the Atlantis. Off to the ISS for a supply run and delivery of a Russian Science module.
See this kid? Apparently 8 million hits on You Tube. It's pretty amazing, on Ellen yesterday. CBS talked about him Thursday morning, and on Letterman (I think) Thursday night.
Cyndi Lauper talks about her new album Memphis Blues. Due out July 22nd.
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