I hope you made it through the nasty weather over the weekend with a minimal amount of stress and damage. Total of almost 4" of rain in the Memphis area... 2.94" was a record for Saturday. Conditions have improved dramatically.... and will be nice for most of this week. Cloudy today and tomorrow, breezy and cool. Sunny, much warmer by the end of the week.
Storm damage photos from the Mid-South here, on our www.wreg.com.
The tornado in Yazoo City, MS is believed to have been an "EF-4." Maximum winds 170 mph.
Over the weekend... how did the racers (and fans) fare at Talladega?
Watch any of the NFL draft last week? What do you think about where Tim Tebow ended up!
Consider yourself a "risk taker?" Like to live life on the "wild side?" Check these out before you decide on your next vacation.
Remember that "Shot gun" wedding that was being forced on US Airways and United Airlines? Looks like cooler heads may prevail.
A happy surprise for a NY model.

In Daybreak Trivia: The Hubble Telescope... when was it launched? And.. who did a Russian President invite over to discuss nuclear war.
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