Okay... are you "back in the saddle?" The kids are still out, but chances are good your routine is about to return. Here's the weather. Top 10 list, looking back on 2009. Box Office, NFL, airport security. Powerball winner
Unless he bought his ticket in Kentucky, Kris Anderson did NOT win the powerball. The 128 million dollar ticket was sold just outside of Louisville.
On this "Day in History," for your fun facts.
The Big Christmas Blizzard of 2009! Didn't see a flake.

As the year winds down... there will be many "looking back." Here are the "Top 10" stories from one site I frequent.
We lost some amazing people this year. More than you imagined. This list I refer to often during the year.
This is really beginning to tick me off. First it was the guy with the bomb in his shoes. So now, we all have to take our shoes off at the security check in. Now, we have to stay seated for the last hour of the flight. I'm not sure this one makes as much sense. That's serious "knee-jerk" reaction if you ask me. Maybe it's for International flights only.

I'm not taking sides here, but I sure hope they get this worked out, for the kids sake.
Was "Avatar" able to hold on to the #1 spot at the box office over the weekend? The kids took in the "Squeekwel" for the chipmunks Christmas day, good time had by all.
In the "NFL" Sunday... how did your team do? Are the Colts still perfect? Tonight we'll find out if the Vikings can come back, and if the rift between coach and quarterback has been healed.

A friend is "pulling the plug" on his blog, we hate to see him stop.
In Daybreak Trivia this morning:
Cyrano and the "ball drop, in NYC"
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