Happy Thanksgiving everyone... it's going to be windy and colder this afternoon. Northwest winds will bring down some of the coldest air of the season so far, for tonight and tomorrow night. If you are planning to do some "early morning" Black Friday shopping, you'll want to bundle up.

I'll bet it "smells great" in the kitchen this morning! MMMMmmmmm..... Turkey! Last minute help on cooking that bird: 800 288 8372
Did you see how much cash, our "Cash Grab" winner was able to pull out of the vault last night on News Channel 3 at Ten? Check it out here.
You will to check the schedule a bit more carefully for what's on "3" today, this morning it's the parade and later, a traditional NFL football game. Green Bay is at Detroit starting at 12:30, Oakland is at Dallas at 4:15 and the Giants are at Denver at 8:20. The DALLAS game is the one to watch, on CBS and News Channel 3.

The Shuttle Atlantis is due home tomorrow morning, YOU have the chance to see the Atlantis and ISS flying over the Mid-South at 5:40 this afternoon, all the information you need on that is on yesterdays "Seen on Daybreak."

If you haven't gone to see "The Blind Side" movie, I suggest you check it out.
Also, a new film out this weekend, with a couple of 'high-powered' names.
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