Today, it's rain, overnight it's ice, and Friday, it's snow! I'm not looking at a ton of rain today, maybe a 1/4 to 1/2 inch total, and it won't be getting here until much later today, but with temps dropping overnight, we need to be ready for an icy mess in the morning. Winds will be gusting 20-30mph. Winter Storm Watches and Winter Storm Warnings are up.
We've got some serious coverage planned for this potential major winter event on Daybreak Friday morning. You need to know about school closings and road closings and we are going to have them, along with live reports from the field to show you where the worst of the weather is happening. Don't

Todd Demers will be hosting a little "web chat" on www.wreg.com at 10:30 this morning, feel free to log in, and ask your weather related questions!
Storms like these tend to have a serious "Trickle down" effect. Travel slows on the highways, and at airports, causing delays system wide.
Today is a good day to finish up your "worst case scenario" plans, with plenty of supplies, full tank of gas, flash lights and candles. Remember, it's going to COLD this weekend, too.

Rock 103's "radio a thon" to raise money for the Ronald McDonald house is about to get underway, they have an "on line" auction for you to check out as well. This year our friend John "Bad Dog" McCormick has experienced first hand, what many of the children are dealing with, and speaks from the heart in asking for your help. Be sure to look him up on Facebook.
Here's a story that won't make the front page of the paper, but still worthy of your time.

A love story, that runs deep. Who was this woman's husband?
I think this is the beginning, of a new wave of future technology.